Enjoy a guided
horseback trail ride through the
historic wooded acres at the Castle In
The Clouds beautiful mountaintop estate
in Moultonborough, New Hampshire. Get
away from the stress of life and relax
with a quiet, peaceful, calm, walking
trail ride and bond with your horse.Our
beautiful trail ride takes you by
Shannon Pond, through wooded trails,
fields with amazing views of Lake
Winnipesaukee and along
Shannon Brook with small waterfalls. Trail rides are approximately 1 hr long
and are a relaxing walk only (no
trotting or cantering - no exceptions!)
Our gentle horses are good for riders
of all levels. We will match riders with
a horse that will accommodate their
riding ability, no experience necessary.
We provide a nice loading platform to
mount and dismount your horse.
Your trail guide will give you detailed
instructions on riding and the trail
before you depart. This loading platform is where you
mount/dismount your horse. |
Call (603) 476-8350 to reserve a
ride. Reservations highly recommended.
$50 per rider, children
must be 8yrs & older (no double
riding with children).
Ride Times: 10 AM, 11:30 AM, 1 PM, 2:30 PM, 4 PM.
PARK RD. entrance instead of the main
gate entrance if you are riding at
10:00AM (main entrance does not open
until 10:00 AM) or if you are just
coming to ride (not visiting the Castle
or grounds).
Trail rides are
approximately 1 hour long and are guided
walk only (no trotting or cantering -
no exceptions!).
Arrive approximately 15-20 minutes
before your scheduled trail ride to fill
out waivers, get your helmet and take a
walk through the barn to say hello to
our horses. When you arrive,
check in at the front office located at
the left side of the barn. We
accept cash or credit cards.
If you have to cancel your ride
please call as far in advance as
possible. It is much appreciated!!
Helmets will be provided to all riders.
All riders must sign a waiver before
1 rider per horse (no double riding with
Riders must stay in line and in the
order we start with and stay single file
(no passing). We recommend leaving
a horse length or two between horses.
Weight limit of 250 lbs.
Please wear a good shoe when riding (no
sandals or flip flops). We suggest
something with a slight heel like a
hiking type shoe or sneaker with some
tread over flat bottom shoes.
Basic riding tips - keep your reigns in
your hands at all times, relax, keep the
ball of your foot in the stirrup and
your heels down for good balance and
keep your weight in your feet evenly.
Bring your camera. A strap to go
around your neck while riding is handy!
We can also photograph you and your
friends/family on your horses when you
go out or get back.
When you get back to the barn we have a
treat you can give your horse to tell
him/her Thank You!
Please check out our facebook page for
photos and updates. Feel free to
post your photos as well!